Crystal Healing
What is Crystal Healing?
Crystal Healing is a holistic and natural therapy that taps into the energetic power of crystals and how they affect the body and mind. Crystals are placed on and around you to help unblock, focus and direct energies. Crystal Healing works on the belief that we are all made up of different energies and when these become stagnant, unbalanced or blocked, it can cause illness. The crystals gently support the body to heal in a therapeutic way. Different types of crystals have different properties and energies. Just holding and being near crystals affects our own energies on a physical, spiritual and emotional level. What to expect from a Crystal Healing: The session begins with a consultation. Crystal Healing is a holistic therapy dealing with all aspects of health - physical, mental and spiritual. I will invite you to lie on the therapy couch. However if this is difficult for you it is possible to work with you seated. You are fully clothed and I cover you with a blanket. Gentle relaxation music is played. I encourage you to relax and fall into a semi-meditative state. Crystals are placed on and around your body and left on you while healing takes place. Some people report feeling sensations such as warmth or tingling while others may feel nothing. When the healing session is over, the crystals are removed and, after a short recovery period, your awareness is brought back into the present. A course of treatment is usually recommended with many clients choosing to have ongoing treatments to support their overall health. Crystal healing is a complimentary and natural approach, meaning it can be used alongside traditional medicine and has no negative side-effects. The deep relaxation that takes place during the session aids general well-being and is particularly useful when treating stress and anxiety. It can also help ease tense muscles which can help improve physical pain and sleeping problems. On an emotional and spiritual level, crystals can help enhance self-esteem, encourage clarity and inspire a sense of peace and centredness. This is a truly beautiful healing modality. |